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Dearly Beloved Forever Red 2009

  • 2011-12-08
  • 2009-vintage
  • airing
  • bake-like-a-ninja
  • berry
  • dearly-beloved
  • forever-red
  • living-trader-joes
  • review
  • spice
  • wine-breathe
  • wine-sipperer
  • wine
  • Dearly Beloved Forever Red 2009

Region: Mendocino County, CA

No shame here—I bought this wine because of that freaking awesome label. Seriously, it has texture! And the name of the wine is in the skull’s teeth! I love it.

Forever Red contains lots of tart, but luscious, berry. Think thick, juicy boysenberries. Cedar is on the palate, too, which isn’t my favorite wine note. There are also savory spices like cumin and coriander. With some airing, the spice layers come out and mellow that berry tartness. The wine tastes meaty, like a duck and berry dish that’s pretty delicious.

I’d like to try it with more airing again, but it’s a serviceable, juicy wine worth drinking straight out of the bottle.

Other Bloggers’ Thoughts

Living Trader Joe’s

The label on the bottle sells itself well, with chocolate, vanilla, and cinnamon hints as well as oak spice and dark fruits, but it is the bold bing cherry flavors that will rock your wine pallet. Although cherry is not a flavor that I pursue, this wine is truly balanced with the warmer flavors.

Bake Like a Ninja

It’s not bad, just a bit bland.  It’s drinkable, but there aren’t any significant flavors.  Perfectly fine for a glass, but it didn’t wow us.  The husband says that the bottle is more remarkable than the wine (a comment I’ve heard from quite a few people).  It improves a bit with a breathe, but there’s still just not much there.  It’s not hot, not sweet, not smoky, not peppery, not rich, not thin . . . it’s just kinda . . . wine . . . no shape to it. There is a bit sourness and dryness, but that’s about it.

Wine Sipperer

It is a tasty medium-bodied red that will do well with beef or just sipping for enjoyment. This wine has a nice ruby hue with aromas of dark berries and roasted nuts. Dearly Beloved has subtle hints of oak and a long finish, smooth finish.

Reviewed 30 Oct 11.