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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

  • 2025-01-15

Tasting Rooms

Visiting a winery, distillery, meadery, or brewery is a different experience than simply tasting that alcoholic beverage on its own at home. Ideally, the tasting room offers a combination of beautiful scenery and friendly service, and all the information the staff provides will be balanced with relaxation. If there are grounds to wander, then I am very happy. But simple tasting rooms also have their charms.

I have done a lot of tasting over the last decade, and I admit that I will rarely cough up more than $30 for a flight or tasting menu. Frankly, I prefer cheaper ones! So be aware that many of the most gorgeous wineries I’ve visited have been as part of the Wine Media Conference or as an invited media guest—I’ll always make it clear at the beginning of a post, if that’s the case.

When I’m tasting on my own, I’m often surprised by how repetitive the repartee with staff can get. “What type of wine do you like?” is almost always the first question. I have very few favorites, because I want to try EVERYTHING, especially something that I never have before. I can’t imagine always being steered toward the same sort of beverage that I’ve preferred in the past—where’s the adventure in that? Perhaps this is one area in which I fail to portray the average consumer perspective; I want a new discovery, not a trusty old favorite.

It’s fun to see how a tasting room can convey personality about a brand, but mostly, I’m hoping to have fun just hanging out and making a new discovery of awesomeness in the glass. Throw in a pretty view, and I’m content.