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Today until 6 PST, Help Fund One Good Day through a Virtual Silent Auction!

  • 2015-12-15
  • cancer
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  • donations
  • napa
  • nonprofit
  • not-for-profit
  • one-good-day
  • peter-nowack
  • silent-auction
  • terminal-cancer
  • virtual-auction
  • wine-lovers
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  • wine
  • Today until 6 PST, Help Fund One Good Day through a Virtual Silent Auction!

Wine lover looking for a reason to feel great about drinking? Today is your lucky day!

one good day

One Good Day is a not-for-profit with an impressive mission founded by an enterprising and giving man. In a nutshell, the organization exists to give low-income individuals diagnosed with terminal cancer micro-grants so they have the chance to partake in one good day doing what they love with friends or family that they couldn't afford to do otherwise. It came into existence just a year ago when founder Peter Nowack, an avid wine enthusiast and member of the online wine community, was diagnosed with terminal cancer himself. Bringing One Good Day to life has been his dream ever since.

Through today at 6 pm PST only, you can support him and the organization virtually while gaining some impressive wine-related gifts! Or if you're in the Napa Area, you can join in the fun in person as the Cordair Gallery Tweetup is revived tomorrow, 12/16, for one night only to fund this great cause. Full details here on the Facebook Event if you can make the actual party and silent auction from 6 pm to 8 pm—this is definitely the way to go to take full advantage of the items and experiences donated for One Good Day.

But if you're like me, you can only dream of spending a wonderful evening with these fun-loving winos in person this time. Yet there's a way we can still contribute to the cause, and that's through the virtual silent auction! Go right here (, enter your name & email, and start clicking through the opportunities! Maybe I shouldn't share what I have my eye on, but the lunch for four at Hess with the winemaker, the year of Passaggio Wine Club membership, and the Ehlers 1886 wine are sure lookin' good...did I mention that online bidding closes at 6 pm?

Of course, you can also donate directly to One Good Day at any time, forgoing all those wine prizes, at the website. Please consider doing so, and help Peter help others with terminal cancer get the chance to enjoy that one good day with their loved ones.

Me and Peter toasting his birthday this past summer. Me and Peter toasting his birthday this past summer.

Salut! And happy bidding!