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Randall Grahm’s Uncle Louie Vineyard Zinfandel 2013

  • 2015-06-26
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  • wine
  • Randall Grahm’s Uncle Louie Vineyard Zinfandel 2013

Region: Contra Costa Country, California

Randall_Grahm_Zin My first thought on looking at that label is that Uncle Louie bears a remarkable resemblance to the Monopoly Man. Thought #2 is “Wow, you can really smell that floral and cedar nose the moment the bottle opens.” Remarkably, the nose is not as powerful while drinking, and there is little berry presence. But it's a world of difference between sniffing and tasting. I haven't had a smoky wine in a while, and I'm finding it a pleasurable reacquaintance.

Let’s engage my poetic side: A silhouette of fruit is hard to make out through the haze, but once the haze dispels, candied cherries and fresh figs steeped in vanilla cream waft your way. Sweetness lingers as you find the meadow at wood's edge.

My Quini profile: Grahm_Louie_Quini_ProfileMy Quini Flower: Grahm_Louie_Quini_FlowerAnd in my rating system, that 70 earns a


Other Winos’ Thoughts:

Superman on PCP from Cellar Tracker

Crimson color and has flavours of black pepper and oak.

Karen Backmann, a NakedWines.Com Angel

I've been a fan of Randall Grahm for a while now. Everything he does seems to match my palate perfectly. So I wasn't surprised I enjoyed this, but I was a little surprised why. It has the characteristic cherry and spice notes, but is a bit more refined than many Zinfandels. It seems more sophisticated in structure and taste than the typical jam bomb.

This wine was produced by NakedWines.Com. Normally, that means I’d provide you with a buy link, but it’s no longer available from my region, so I can’t. Apologies!

Reviewed 27 April 2015.