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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

The Gourmez is Reborn!

  • 2015-06-09
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  • The Gourmez is Reborn!

The-Gourmez-Square-headerWelcome back to the Gourmez!

In August 2013, when we moved to the Bay Area, I combined all of my writing pursuits into one main site, At the time, housing them together made the most sense for my sanity--too many sites to manage was too much in the midst of such a huge life change. But two years later, and a recent transition from Hayward to Oakland where my reviews are suddenly in higher demand, means it's time to give the Gourmez its proper focus again. And thus, this new site has come to be!

Hopefully, you'll be able to use the  menus at the top of the page to easily cycle through my alcohol, restaurant, coffee shop, and travel posts. I am always open to feedback on the design, so please let me know if any of the features aren't working for you or any other concerns you have. However, I am fully aware that some of the photographs are currently showing up as broken links. This transition is a work in progress--I'm in the midst of selecting featured images for each post...and there are over 1,000 of them. That's mindless work that'll take me some time to catch up with. So forgive me that messiness, but please do let me know if you think I should change the thumbnail sizes or anything like that.

My fiction and entertainment publication news and life updates will continue to be housed at, so head over there if you're interested in more about what I do than food, drink, and travel. But when your stomach starts growling or your wanderlust kicks in, the Gourmez is here for you.