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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

2010 Fetzer Crimson Winemaker's Favorite Red Wine Blend

  • 2013-11-19
  • 2010
  • blend
  • crimson-red
  • dennis-martin
  • fetzer
  • flour
  • jam-cookie
  • raspberry
  • review
  • simple-vines
  • sisters-of-the-vines
  • tasting-notes
  • tobacco
  • vintage
  • wine
  • 2010 Fetzer Crimson Winemaker's Favorite Red Wine Blend

Region: Mendocino County, CA


I admit to reticence when trying this wine, not knowing if a big label's wine was up to snuff at under $10. Plus, there were a lot of words on that label, which frankly can be off-putting for those not that skilled in wine-label deciphering. I am not that skilled in wine-label deciphering. This particular blend comes courtesy of winemaker Dennis Martin.

It smells like raspberry jam with a hefty dose of tobacco and some mustiness. When drinking, it's pretty delicious — my expectations were wrong, wrong, wrong. The wine recalls a shortbread cookie with jam including the buttery, slightly burnt crust. Heck, I can even taste the flour dusting. There is also spice — pepper, allspice, star anise — just enough to jazz it up into perfection.

I could drink this wine all night. In fact, I probably will.


Other Bloggers' Thoughts:

Simple Vines (I think we disagreed)

You know when you’re rushing around running late for something and ultimately stub your pinky toe causing you to hate your life? I would rather do that 27 times over then drink another glass of this wine. I introduce you to the worst wine I’ve tasted since that one time I accidentally drank dirty feet wine in London. It's awful.  Worse than awful. It is like someone stamped out a camp fire with shoes covered in fertilizer, then poured the ashes into your mouth. I’m giving it 0.5 for taste based on the sole fact you can ‘sort of’ tell its wine when you drink it. If you can’t already tell, the bottle got poured down the drain. . . . Overall: 1/5

The Sisters of the Vine Blogspot (We have no disagreements)

I LOVE THIS WINE! Now I've never been a fan of Fetzer, not because I hate all their wines, but I will forever have the sugar-laden taste of their Gewurtz on my tongue. . . . But this wine is different, I may be in love... It's a blend. I've been drinking a lot of those of late. What I love about blends is they offer the best of all worlds for me. This particular wine is a blend of Syrah, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Petite Syrah. This is a big wine people! Pinot Noir lovers beware! It smelled of blackberries and dark fruit, filling and intoxicating at the same time. It was juicy, but not overly fruity, I imagine this is the Zinfandel coming through. It tasted of vanilla, and leather, maybe some smoke. But it had a long lovely finish with a nice round oakiness that I love about a good Cab... Mmmm. Yes, this one is a keeper for sure.

Reviewed 30 Oct 13.