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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

Biltmore American Chenin Blanc

  • 2012-09-19
  • wine
  • Biltmore American Chenin Blanc

Region: North Carolina

The Biltmore Estate wines are some of the best known ones from North Carolina, but I haven’t found one I enjoy yet. Thus, this purchase was to examine if a new cultivar would make a difference for me. I am not familiar with Chenin Blanc, and I don’t think it usually appears in sweet whites, which I definitely don’t enjoy, so it seemed a risk worth taking.

The wine has a slight rose coloring. It smells like strawberries, lemon, and grass. It is sweet, but my expectations weren’t too high that I’d get a dry wine out of the Biltmore Estate. It’s filmy, and I’d describe it as having more of an olive oil than butter flavor from that film. Cream is the first nontextural note followed by an upswell of sugar. Light strawberry swoops in after a bit, mingling with the cream. Breadfruit and custard apple notes can also be tasted.

It would make a nice ice cream flavor, but it’s too sweet for my drinking preferences. You’ll likely disagree if you’re a fan of sweet whites, and it does have character.

Other Bloggers’ Thoughts

MIA. Other than a few remarks about buying it for a friend who likes semisweet wines or using it to get courage to clean carpet stains, there were no blogger reviews of the wine.

Reviewed 3 Sept 12.