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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

Trader Joe’s Petit Reserve Rose 2009

  • 2011-02-16
  • 2009-vintage
  • film-2
  • filmy
  • flavorless
  • petit-reserve
  • rose
  • soft-gold
  • trader-joes
  • wine
  • Trader Joe’s Petit Reserve Rose 2009

Region: Napa Valley, CA

It’s a gorgeous soft gold and pink rose color. Smells pleasingly of artificial raspberry flavoring—-this is not a bad smell; think of Chapstick or Fun Dips.

The wine’s taste, however, has almost no character whatsoever. It’s very thin-bodied. Raspberry and strawberry notes flee so fast you’ll forget them by the time the aftertaste tingles your tongue with its minerality. There’s a bit of a film, too. Stratch that---the more you drink, the filmier it gets.

This rose doesn’t provide anything of interest. Drink it because it’s there, not because it’s fun to.

Other Bloggers’ Thoughts

Couldn’t find any! And I was so hoping for confirmation of my lackluster opinion.

Reviewed 1.31.11.