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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

Parker and Otis (Durham)

  • 2010-06-07
  • baked-goods
  • candy
  • coffee
  • durham
  • fresh-corn-salad
  • herb-dip
  • lunch
  • parker-and-otis
  • peabody-square
  • red-pepper-jelly
  • truffles
  • restaurants
  • Parker and Otis (Durham)

112 S Duke Street
Peabody Square
Durham, NC

I finally got the chance to check out Parker and Otis, one of those local spots that sell a mix of different wares and nibbles: coffee shop, gourmet sandwiches, bakery, candies, and assorted small goods including soaps and teas.

This style of throwing a whole bunch of quality items together in one place is definitely something I enjoy, though it can make ordering and checking out quite hectic. Luckily, you can get everything you want at one register at Parker and Otis, then just wander over to the other counters and show them your receipt to get what you ordered there, too. Much better than having to pay multiple times.

Seating is fantastic here, whether you opt for the gorgeous deck with fun metalwork on the railings,

or you prefer to sit inside, near the entrance,  in a white room that looks far more inviting than white usually looks to me. I think that has to do with the huge window full of sunlight and the fresh flowers on the tables.

I didn't take its picture, but my cappuccino was fine. I've had better and worse. My turkey sandwich was tantalizing. I had a special they are presently running: turkey, white cheddar, Stonewall Kitchen red pepper jelly, tomato, onion, and herb dip on light rye bread.

Other than the red pepper jelly making it a little too sticky and drippy, I was in sandwich heaven. The jelly lent the mildest kick of heat and a lot of sweetness, the turkey was tasty, and the bread was just the right amount of rye for me (which is to say, not much). The herb dip was the shining star of the dish with its fresh dill, parsley, and probably another couple of goodies I couldn't place. I love dips that add such great flavor to sandwiches.

I was not as enthused with the corn and tomato salad I chose to upgrade to over the standard coleslaw.

I think my lack of enthusiasm probably had something to do with thinking that $2 was a bit steep for a side substitution, but mostly, it was because corn was the only flavor I tasted. Yes, the parsley, tomato, and red onion were all good, but I think this dish would have benefited from a light vinaigrette or some garlic at the very least. I love corn, and I adore corn cut right off the cob like this—better than on the cob actually—but it was too plain.

To sum up:  fantastic sandwich, great atmosphere, variety galore, good coffee, boring side.

3 stars

Reviewed 5.26.10.