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Overthinking Food & Drink Since 2006

Worse than a Tequila Hangover

  • 2010-03-02
  • coffee-cocktail
  • maraschino-cherry
  • orange-juice
  • starbucks-liquor
  • the-gourmez-cocktails
  • two-fingers-gold-tequila
  • worse-than-a-tequila-hangover
  • recipes
  • cocktails
  • Worse than a Tequila Hangover

2 shots Two Fingers gold tequila
0.5 shot Starbucks coffee liquor
2 shots heavy pulp orange juice
0.5 shot maraschino cherry juice
1 maraschino cherry

Shake up the first three ingredients, then tip in the cherry juice and plop in the cherry. It's not pretty, but neither is a tequila hangover.

Yeah, that was my attempt to pretend this drink made sense. It doesn't. It's a total failure. Of course, I poured twice as much coffee liquor as I meant to, but I doubt it would have gone well with the cherry and orange juices as I had hoped, regardless. It was way too bitter to combine with the sweet juices. Tia Maria or Kahlua might fare better as the Starbucks liquor is the bitterest coffee option of the bunch. Or perhaps combining any juice with a coffee taste was simply a bad idea for a cocktail. Fruit flavoring works in coffee, but only when it's very subtle. Otherwise it just tastes rancid. This . . . tasted rancid.

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Created 2.22.10.