Other words on the label: New Zealand Vintage 2004 East Coast
I was excited the moment I read the back of the label and learned that "the legendary monkey, once believed to inhabit this secluded spot, has truly been brought to life through this exciting range of wines." Wow, I thought. If I drink this wine, I will bring the zombie monkey to life.
With anticipation, I held the glass up to the lamp. It was very light in color and Mr. Gourmez, who had already gulped some down, declared it to taste like water. Undeterred, I gave the wine a sniff. The smell was of baked pears with a raisin sauce. Delicious.
With no sign of monkey business afoot, I took my first sip. It was nearly as sweet as a scuppernoag (North Carolinians like their wine sweet) but also tart, like a granny smith apple. After a gulp, I decided it resembled a dry meringue puff, with a hint of lime. A strange but tasty combination.
While I'm tempted to knock the wine down a rating due to the lack of zombie monkey, I'll refrain. It's sweet, dry and tasty. I wonder if it pairs well with bananas foster?
3 stars